Inbox: Matt Fradd 401(k) Debate, Buffett’s Dad, & BOOSTS

In this solo episode I answer listener questions from email and boostagrams:

  • The Jacob Imam vs. Trent Horn 401(k) debate on Matt Fradd’s ‘Pints with Aquinas’ podcast
  • Do we hate Warren Buffett now that he hates bitcoin?
  • Bitcoin beginner resources
  • Responding to listener boostagrams

Sources Used In This Episode:

There is only one way that these spending pressures can be halted, and that is to restore the final decision on public spending to the producers of the nation. The producers of wealth — taxpayers — must regain their right to obtain gold in exchange for the fruits of their labor. This restoration would give the people the final say-so on governmental spending, and would enable wealth producers to control the issuance of paper money and bonds. – Howard Buffett


Andrew Flattery, CFP®

Andy Flattery is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and Owner of Simple Wealth Planning. He serves young and affluent families that are working to lower their time preference and achieve financial sovereignty. Flattery is the host of The Reformed Financial Advisor Podcast, where he relates stories in Kansas City history to pivotal themes in personal finance. When he’s not helping individuals build wealth, you can catch him playing rec sports, reading Austrian economists, and spending time with his wife and three children.